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Thursday, March 12, 2009

On Censorship

Considering the power given to us by the internet, it seems only natural that such a resource should be policed. We live in a world where the information we view is the product of our peers. Thus their creations are instilled with a slice of their mindset. If extreme freedom of speech is monitored or policed in our society, then the same should happen online.

Countries use censorship for many reasons. They include reducing dissent and containing moral values. Especially on the internet, where moderation is not global and present, the images and content can be seen as a detriment to society. Murray (2006) states that countries are willing to control and regulate the internet to protect the countries ‘common’ values. Examples of these countries like China and Vietnam use the internet crackdown to protect its state interests. Other countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran control the internet for their religious ideals (Coz 2008). The controls are in place due to the otherworldly nature of the internet.

The wild west is a valid metaphor for the internet. Law and order is not rampant, your rules of conduct vary differently to everyone elses. The reason they vary is because the internet doesnt fall under a sole state soveriegn. The rules of one country cannot stop a server of 'contraband' that resides in another. Barlow (citied in Murray 2006) argues that the internet is a sanctuary where the laws of the world does not have weight. That is moderately true, but when it is nearly impossible to prevent child pornography on the internet because its server is in Vietnam, what is a government meant to do. This rings true for other sections online. Civil dissent websites get pulled down in China, their ringleaders rounded up. If in normal life creating civil unrest is an act of treason and civil disorder, is punished by law, why shouldn't these sites be controlled or moderated?

The state powers in turn will start to clamp down on its own country. We see it in the news, cyber dissidents being caught, and even on television with that creep nabbing show in America. Essentially free speech is curtailed but for a greater good, the protection of society from the evils online is a prize and the restriction of the internet is a small price to pay.
Coz, C 2008. The 2008 Golden Scissors of cyber-championship, Reporters Without Borders
Murray, L 2006. Censors come calling,, Septermber 23 2006

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What is citizen journalism?

Citizen journalism can take many different forms. The term broken down signifies the creation of news by the majority; each citizen becoming a journalist. So the term encompasses all forms of journalism. Whether it is by video, podcast or the written word- citizen journalism is an amalgam of many different methods but only one common feature: the regular person creating the news.  

But what is a regular person? 
A person who is independant from any news connection. Citizen journalisms strength comes from their separation from the source of news. Due to the seperation what we are left with is less reliable (to an extent) and unedited news. Its raw nature is its strength and weakness. It does lose credibility but in turn casts a light on stories that could or would not be told. This information will come as opinionated blogs and local news stories. This varied opinion will reach alot of people due to the high saturation of the internet. There is no shortage of people willing to tell their story. The cheap nature of hosting a blog and the sporadic nature of the internet allows a high rate of hits on any one site and therefore an easy spread of ideas.

- While not perfect, it is a beginning of the true news watchdog, your information guarded by your peers.


Thursday, March 5, 2009


Here I go, dumping a picture...

How appropriate!

New feeds thingie added. Probably will start the class content soon... like last minute.

Also gonna watch Watchmen today!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Just trying the posting out,
probably will go for a new template tomorrow

go Comm315!